Privacy Policy

This website is owned and operated by CR Land Hong Kong Customer Services Limited (“CRLCS”). All services and products provided through this website are made available subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Statement.

1. Commitment
CRLCS is committed to protecting your personal data privacy in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486) (“the Ordinance”) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of Peoples’ Republic of China.

2. Personal Data Collection
In order for CRLCS to provide services to Members of The Clans (“Members”) or users of this website (“Users”), it is necessary for Members or Users to supply CRLCS with personal data during the registration process, browsing this website or accepting services from CRLCS. Personal data collected by CRLCS includes but is not limited to the following:

  • name
  • contact address
  • telephone, mobile number and/or fax number
  • e-mail address
  • gender
  • personal identification number
  • birthday
  • location
  • education level
  • occupation
  • marital and family status
  • personal income and related information
  • interests and hobbies.

When you visit this website, CRLCS collects general information about your visits by means of “Cookies” files and similar methodology. When you are browsing this website, you are not allowed to disable this function. The information is only used for analyzing your preference in relation to your usage and habit with respect to this website and will not be provided to any third parties other than (1) China Resources (Holdings) Company Limited and its subsidiaries or (2) the out-sourced operator for this website.

3. Data Security
Once CRLCS has obtained your personal data, they will be encrypted and maintained securely in our system. Only authorized staff of CRLCS or the outsourced operator, who have been properly trained, will be permitted to access to those personal data. CRLCS will also ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality.

4. Use of Personal Data
The main purposes for which personal data may be used by CRLCS are:

  • for communicating our news and information;
  • for advertising, marketing, public relations and direct marketing (including joint marketing) from CRLCS and our designated partners in relation to properties, parking offers, loyalty programmes, shopping offers, hotel accommodation, food & beverage, travel and transport, household and home-related service, sports and leisure, entertainment, education, health and wellness, financial and investments, insurance, art and culture, nature and environment, social networking, media and high-end consumer products;
  • for research and development in relation to customer behavior, and for designing products and/or services for Members and Users, and to promote, and improve the provision of products and/or services by us;
  • for identification;
  • for processing, assessing, determining and approving any application or requests made by Members or Users for our products or services; and
  • for information and database administration.

5. Transfer of Personal Data
Your personal data held by CRLCS will be kept confidential but CRLCS may provide such information to :

  • China Resources (Holdings) Company Limited, China Resources Land Limited and their subsidiaries;
  • any professional personnel, agent, adviser, accountant, contractor or service provider engaged by CRLCS;
  • person to whom we are required to make disclosure under applicable laws, governmental or regulatory requirements or pursuant to any order of a court of a competent jurisdiction; and
  • designated partners.

6. Use of Personal Data for Direct Marketing
CRLCS may from time to time post or deliver to you direct marketing materials mentioned in Clause 4 based on your personal data provided to us. If you do not want to receive those direct marketing materials, please advise our Personal Data Protection Officer in writing to 46/F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (marked confidential) or by e-mail to

7. Access and Correction of Personal Data
The Ordinance provides you the rights to ascertain whetherCRLCS is holding your personal data and to correct any data that is inaccurate and not up to date. You may contact our Personal Data Protection Officer in writing to 46/F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (marked confidential) or by e-mail to for access and correction to your personal data.

8. Other
In case there arises discrepancy in the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.


Personal Information Collection Statement

Your personal data, including names, contact details, your birthday, age range, marital family and working status, income, personal interests and hobbies, provided by you to the Company and The Clans will be used by the Company and The Clans for such purposes (“Additional Purposes”) in addition to the lease, licence, sale or purchase any of the designated properties or hotels by China Resources Land Overseas Limited, and such Additional Purposes shall include but not limit to the following purposes:

  • to communicate our news and information;
  • for advertising, marketing, public relations and direct marketing (including joint marketing) from us and our Designated Partners in relation to properties, parking offers, loyalty programmes, shopping offers, hotel accommodation, food & beverage, travel and transport, household and home-related service, sports and leisure, entertainment, education, health and wellness, financial and investments, insurance, art and culture, nature and environment, social networking, media and high-end consumer products (collectively “Products and Services”);
  • for research and development in relation to customer behavior;
  • to design products and/or services for you, and to promote, improve and further the provision of products and/or services by us;
  • for identification;
  • to process, assess, determine and approve any application or requests made by you for our products or services; and
  • for information and database administration.

Failure to provide the requested data under the “Mandatory” sector of the application form may influence the processing and results of your application.

We may engage agents, contractors, suppliers, service providers in order for us to validly effect, manage, administer and/or enforce any services or transactions requested or authorized by you for the purposes specified above and may transfer to or share your personal data with them (which may be located outside Hong Kong) for such purposes to the extent permissible by law.

From time to time, we may use your personal data to send you news, offers, promotions and marketing offers about our Products and Services, but we can only do so with your consent. If you object to our use of your personal data to send you news, offers, promotions and marketing offers as mentioned in this paragraph, please tick the relevant box at the end of this Personal Information Collection Statement before you proceed further with this application for membership of The Clans.

We may also share your personal data with the designated partners of Company for the purposes of marketing to you about the Products and Services provided by us jointly, or by them solely, but we can only do so with your consent. If you object to our sharing of your personal data as mentioned in this paragraph, please tick the relevant box at the end of this Personal Information Collection Statement before you proceed further with this application for membership of The Clans.

You have rights of access and correction for your personal data held by us and you may also withdraw your consent, either completely or partially, to our use of your personal data by contacting our Personal Data Privacy Officer at 46/F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong (marked confidential) or by email to Our Privacy Policy Statement shall be applicable. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese version of this Statement, the English version shall prevail.